Dig into Romans with Me (Week 19-Review)

picture by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

We’ve spent a few months at an archeological dig site, uncovering the precious artifacts that we’ve found there. We’ve cataloged our finds and asked questions about how they speak into our lives.

The Bible Project created a wonderful overview on the book of Romans that I think we will all find very helpful. This review enables us to cement Paul’s letter into our brains and hearts. The Bible Project breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought, and explain how Paul’s words reveal how Jesus created the new covenant family of Abraham through his death and resurrection and the sending of the Spirit.

Watching this video for the first five minutes provides a wonderful review of what we have studied. If you want to continue the video, it will give you a preview of the treasures still waiting for us to uncover, brush off, and bring into the light of our minds and faith.

Thanks for being archaeologists with me so far in this study. Next week we’ll resume digging with Romans 9 next week Monday.

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