Dig into Romans with Me (Week 10-Romans 2:17-29)

If I know math, but don’t use that knowledge in my financial accounts, I’m going to find myself in a heap of trouble. For instance, I know I have $200 in my account, but instead of keeping my spending under that amount I choose to purchase a $300 item that I really want, I’m going… Read More

Let me play in the fields of the Lord

Sometimes your path is clearly delineated. You know what you have to do. You know where you have to go. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. It’s a hard climb. There’s no stopping in the middle–you’re committed. There may be people ahead and behind you–no way out. There’s lots to see, and it’s hard to… Read More

light sources: eclipse

Can anyone see you are a Christian? Or, when they look at you, do they see a lunar eclipse? Does the shadow of the earth blanket you, not allowing the sun’s light to reach you so that you can reflect its rays? Don’t you know that, as a Christian, the sun shines within you and… Read More

light sources: faith in the yet unseen

The sun is shining but how can I reflect its rays when storm clouds of fear and pain block their passage to my soul. My bed is floating on a flood of nightly tears; my gut writhes and clenches as I cry out to you for mercy and help. How long, Oh Lord, how much… Read More

light sources: metaphors

You can take a metaphor just so far before it falls apart. If I am like the moon which reflects the light of the sun, my light source is outside, not attached to me at all. But my source of light— and life, warmth, love, all that I am— is not only outside of me… Read More